Easy Gentle Parenting:
A place for you to feel safe on your parenting journey

6 Things to Master Easy Gentle Parenting
#1. Respect
#2. Validation of Feelings
#3. Positive Language
#4. A Trusting Relationship
#5. Natural Consequences
#6. Age Appropriate Skills
What is Easy Gentle Parenting?

Imagine feeling calm and confident while you discipline your kids. That’s Easy Gentle Parenting.
When you are able to stay regulated as you correct your child’s behaviour, while also feeling confident that you’re taking an effective approach. The Easy Gentle Parenting way of doing things takes out the complicated jargon. Instead, use an approach based on respect and a strong relationship with your child.
I’m Lizzy Mash, an Early Childhood Educator passionate about making parenting way easier for you (& for me).
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