All Gentle Parenting Articles
How to actually get kids ready in the morning
If you’re raising a tiny human you’re probably pretty familiar with how hard…
10 Easy Ways to Prevent Toddler Running Away
What should you do if your toddler keeps running away? Learn what to do and…
How to Remove Crayon from Wall
Learn the easy ways to effectively remove crayon from the wall if your child has…
Toddler Aggression When To Worry: Ask These Questions
If you are getting worried about your toddler’s aggression it is time to ask yourself…
What to Do When 4 Year Old Needs Constant Attention
If your 4 year old needs constant attention and won’t play by herself then you…
4 Year Old Doesn’t Listen? The Easiest Approach
If your 4 year old doesn’t listen then you need to try this amazing tip…
5 Easy Tips When 3 Year Old Doesn’t Listen
If your 3 year old doesn’t listen then these 5 easy tips will make a…
Simple Solutions When 3 year Old Won’t Stay in Bed
Have you ever had a 3 year old who simply won’t stay in bed? Here…
The 2 Year Sleep Regression: What You Need to Know
The 2-year sleep regression is a developmental milestone in children. Here’s what you need to…
Raising a Strong Willed Child: 8 Best Books
It can be challenging to raise a strong willed child, but these books will make…
What’s The Best Parenting Strategy? (Hint, there might not be one)
Is there actually a “best” strategy for parenting? Here’s how to find out the best…
Anti Racist Parenting is a Part of Gentle Parenting
A big part of Gentle Parenting is to teach children how to empathize…
52 Encouraging Words for Kids: Positive Motivation & Love
Here are 52 encouraging words for kids to motivate them and make them feel loved….
Best Books to Teach Kids about Feelings and Emotions
What are the best books to teach kids about their feelings and emotions?…
What is Gentle Parenting?
If you find that ‘traditional’ forms of discipline aren’t working with your children you may…
5 Respectful Tips When Kids Don’t Listen
Are your kids not listening most of the time? Follow these 5 tips to learn…
How to Create a Toddler Bedtime Routine
Are you trying to come up with a toddler bedtime routine that actually works? Here’s…
How to Discipline a 1 Year Old Baby (with Gentle Parenting)
Learn how to discipline a 1 year old to help teach your little one to…
Toddler Biting: Gentle strategies to control it
Toddler biting is very frustrating, but you can use Gentle Parenting strategies to stop them…
How to Discipline a Child: 8 Simple Strategies
Starting from the beginning of motherhood, you might start to wonder how to…
How to Use Natural Consequences for Child Discipline
Natural consequences are a tool used in gentle parenting to discipline children more effectively.
3 Year Old Tantrums: The Quick Way to Stop Them
Does your 3 year old have a lot of tantrums? You’re not alone. Learn here…
2 Year Old Tantrums: The 1 Tip You Can’t Miss
Are you dealing with 2 year old tantrums? There is 1 tip that can make…
6 Tips for Your Strong Willed 2 Year Old
Strong willed 2 year olds can be exhausting, but here are the tips you need…
Are Gentle Parenting and Attachment Parenting the Same?
Gentle Parenting and Attachment Parenting are very similar, but what makes them different and what…
6 Pillars of Gentle Parenting (To Be a More Relaxed Mom)
Here is a simple way to understand Gentle Parenting, broken down into 6 basic pillars…
Toddler Tantrums (The Full Effective Guide for Parents)
Are you dealing with toddler tantrums and meltdowns in your home right now? Here is…
How to Discipline a 2 Year Old
Figuring out how to discipline a 2 year old doesn’t have to be complicated. You…
How to Discipline a Toddler
Learn how to discipline a toddler in an effective way. Use this full list of…
Disciplining a 3 Year Old: What You Need to Know
Get the full scoop on how to use gentle, respect based discipline strategies for disciplining…
My toddler colours in books that aren’t colouring books!
Imagine this scene for a moment… You’re totally mom winning…you have all this…
What To Do When Your Toddler Hits You
Has your toddler been hitting you lately and you don’t know what to do? Here…
How to Set Limits and Boundaries with Children
Rather than setting endless rules, Gentle Parenting advocates for boundaries and limits to empower children…
How to Get a Toddler to Listen
If you’re a new parent, you might be pulling your hair out wondering…
How to Put a Toddler to Sleep
Use these gentle tips to put your toddler to sleep without using any form of…
What do I do when my child intentionally does something to hurt my feelings?
Has your child started to do things to intentionally hurt your feelings? Use these Gentle…
How to feed picky kids dinner
Every night at dinner does your child reject the healthy dinner you made for them?…
The BEST way to handle a 3-4 year old who lies
Do you catch your 3-4 year old in a lie quite often? You might be…
How to bathe your sensory sensitive child
How do you bathe your sensory sensitive child? Many children dislike bath time, especially getting…
How to Discipline a Child Without Hitting or Spanking
If you want to stop using hitting or spanking as a form of discipline with…
4 Easy Steps to Correct Your Child’s Behaviour
Do you need a better way to correct your child’s behaviour? This 4 step system…
What Punishments Are Getting Wrong About Child Discipline
Have you ever wondered if punishments like time-outs, sending a child to their room or…
How to Praise Your Kids… without making them dependent on validation
Do you want to be able to praise your kids without making them depend on…
How to Manage Different Parenting Styles on a Playdate
Do you ever have a hard time with mom friends who parent differently than you?…
Best Solution for 18 Month Old Tantrums (Gentle Parenting Approved)
Is your little baby entering toddlerhood with the tantrums that often come with? Tantrums are…
31 Reasons Moms Decide to Stop Spanking Their Kids
Are you on the fence about spanking your kids? Or not sure if you should…
The Ultimate List of Gentle Parenting Books
Full list of Christian Gentle Parenting books and general Gentle Parenting books. Know any that…
How to Explain Gentle Parenting to a Grandparent or Caregiver in 6 Steps
Is there someone who spends a lot of time with your child who does not…
5 Steps to Be a Parent Overflowing With Positive Language
Change the way you talk to your children by using positive language instead of “No,”…
How to Overcome Bedtime Battles with Your Kids
Take a gentle approach to overcoming bedtime battles in your home. Help your children get…